
Our Services in detail

Our services

What we offer

Mobile Network Services

Fixed Network Services
Our advantages

How we differentiate from the competition

Advanced scheduling. No more delays in the pipeline.

No stress with paperwork. Our staff handles all the heavy lifting.

Experience in working in the city center and in busy hours.

We have received numerous awards for our business practices.

We protect your property from damage and climate instabilities.

We adapt to environmental changes and come up with creative solutions.

Artemis Integrated Technical Services was originally founded back in 2008 to serve telecom networks, focusing on infrastructure, telecom implementation and professional services delivery.


Agiasou 34, 15235 Vrilissia Attica

+30 (210) 7106342

+30 (210) 6856146

[email protected]

Von-Hünefeld-Str. 1a, 50829 Köln

+49 (221) 1680560

[email protected]

Beech Avenue, Het Poortgebouw 54-62,
1119 PW Amsterdam, Netherlands

+49 (221) 5694212

[email protected]

Getrude – Fröhlich – Sander str. 2-4, 1100 Wien

+49 (221) 1680560

[email protected]